Nominations Committee v2
A nomination committee nomination committee examines the skills and characteristics needed in board candidates. In CWM, the committee is appointed by the Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) prior to an Assembly.
The 2020 NC was appointed at the June 2019 AMM. The NC presides over the election process for Boards of Directors and the Trustee Body of CWM.
It comprises six representatives, one from each of the Regions, balanced by age and gender, who are not Trustee Body or Board Members. The General Secretary serves as facilitator to the committee.
After ensuring that the Moderator and the Treasurer have been duly elected, the Nominations Committee present a slate of ordinary Board Members for election to their respective Boards. The slates (10 Directors for CWM Ltd, 6 for CWM UK, and 3 for CWM (South Africa) NPC) shall be presented to the Assembly for election. The entire slate should receive at least 50%+1 before they could be considered duly elected and appointed.
The regions nominate their best candidates, and they are all considered eligible for appointment to the Board. The role of the NC is to carefully put together slates, from among the names put forward by the regions, that are appropriately balanced in terms of expertise, gender, age, regional representation and continuity.